
Σκηνές αποκάλυψης στην Κίνα μετά τις εκρήξεις -Τουλάχιστον 44 νεκροί και 400 οι τραυματίες (photos)


Ανεστάλη η επιχείρηση κατάσβεσης της πυρκαγιάς στην αποθήκη στην πόλη Τιαντζίν της βόρειας Κίνας καθώς δεν είναι σαφές το ακριβές περιεχόμενό της και η ποσότητα των “εύφλεκτων υλικών” που βρίσκονται στους χώρους της, αναφέρει ανακοίνωση της τοπικής κυβέρνησης.

Όπως μετέδωσε σήμερα η κρατική τηλεόραση, εννέα πυροσβέστες έχασαν τη ζωή τους στην προσπάθειά τους να θέσουν υπό έλεγχο την πυρκαγιά, η οποία ξέσπασε χθες Τετάρτη όταν πήρε φωτιά ένα φορτίο με εκρηκτικά μέσα στην αποθήκη όπου φυλάσσονταν με αποτέλεσμα να σημειωθούν δύο ισχυρές εκρήξεις και να σκοτωθούν δεκάδες άνθρωποι. Όπως μετέδωσαν μάλιστα πριν από λίγο τα κινεζικά Μέσα, ο αριθμός των νεκρών έφτασε τους 44, ενω οι τραυματίες υπολογίζονται γύρω στους 400.

Δεν έχει γίνει ακόμη γνωστό αν οι εννέα πυροσβέστες που έχασαν τη ζωή τους περιλαμβάνονται στα 17 θύματα του δυστυχήματος.

epa04881604 Damaged buildings and cars are seen after a huge explosion rocked the port city of Tianjin, China, 13 August 2015. At least seven people were killed in a massive explosion that rocked Tianjin, a major port city in north-eastern China, according to local reports. Between 300 and 400 people were injured. Two firefighters were missing, state television says.  EPA/WU HONG

epaselect epa04881585 Firemen stand beside a body after a huge explosion rocked the port city of Tianjin, China, 13 August 2015. At least seven people were killed in a massive explosion that rocked Tianjin, a major port city in north-eastern China, according to local reports. Between 300 and 400 people were injured. Two firefighters were missing, state television says.  EPA/WU HONG ATTENTION EDITORS: PICTURE CONTAINS GRAPHIC CONTENT

epa04881647 General view of the destruction after explosions in the port area of Tianjin, northern China, 13 August 2015. Official reports say at least 17 people were killed and hundreds injured. Thirty-two people were critically injured, and another 283 in hospital, after the blast and fireball in the port city of Tianjin.  EPA/STR CHINA OUT

epa04881648 General view of the destruction after explosions in the port area of Tianjin, northern China, 13 August 2015. Official reports say at least 17 people were killed and hundreds injured. Thirty-two people were critically injured, and another 283 in hospital, after the blast and fireball in the port city of Tianjin.  EPA/STR CHINA OUT

epa04881660 Fireman take part in the rescue work after a huge explosion rocked the port city of Tianjin, China, 13 August 2015. According to media reports, a massive explosion believed to have come from a shipment containing explosives rocked Tianjin in north-eastern China, and is expected to have killed at least 17 and  injured hundreds of people.  EPA/WU HONG

epa04881661 A damaged bus is seen on the road after a huge explosion rocked the port city of Tianjin, China, 13 August 2015. According to media reports, a massive explosion believed to have come from a shipment containing explosives rocked Tianjin in north-eastern China, and is expected to have killed at least 17 and  injured hundreds of people.  EPA/WU HONG

epa04881662 A damaged truck is seen on the road after a huge explosion rocked the port city of Tianjin, China, 13 August 2015. According to media reports, a massive explosion believed to have come from a shipment containing explosives rocked Tianjin in north-eastern China, and is expected to have killed at least 17 and  injured hundreds of people.  EPA/WU HONG

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